Friday, April 29, 2005

維護家庭聯盟 & 明光社

For related discussions on the ground (or lack of ground) of "reverse discrimination", read blogger 日不落:





    Thursday, April 28, 2005













    Wednesday, April 27, 2005

    National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

    A guest commentary from Rick Cohen. Met Rick Cohen and visited his nonprofit, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, while travelling in the States 3 years ago. Concentrating on regulating the institutional donors and on promoting donor education. Doing great lobbying work in the Capital City...

    Heads in the sand

    04.18.2005 -

    Nonprofit panel sidesteps critical regulatory challenges facing nonprofits.
    By Rick Cohen, executive director of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

    Despite having raised more than $3 million to support its work, a panel of nonprofit leaders has generated paltry and picayune accountability recommendations that will accomplish little or nothing to cure the accountability problems facing the nonprofit sector.

    These recommendations, with more to come, sidestep most of the toughest issues of self-dealing, inappropriate expenditures, exorbitant trustee fees, inadequate foundation payout, and insufficient transparency that underlie the nonprofit accountability problems that have roiled the sector for the past few years. (see more...)

    US News (from Philanthropy Journal)

    Foundation giving grows
    2004 giving reaches new high, study says.
    After two years of decline, the amount of money given by the 66,000 foundations in the U.S. increased by 6.9 percent to $32.4 billion last year, a new study says. more...

    Heart for business
    Companies that support causes win trust, study says.
    Eight in 10 Americans report that companies that support causes win their trust, a jump of 21 percent over the past eight years, a new study says. more...

    Regulatory feedback
    Groups weigh in on Senate review of nonprofits.
    Groups representing the nonprofit sector are providing their own recommendations and input to the Senate's process of investigating and regulating the charitable sector. more...


    地產商佔三成 錢其琛獲最佳示範獎

    (also see: 2005中國大陸慈善家排行榜)

    【明報專訊】「2005中國大陸慈善家排行榜」昨日在北京人民大會堂宣布, 136名善長上榜,其中以浙江省最多,佔了兩成,房地產則是慈善家最多的行業,佔了三成﹔大會還公布了「年度慈善特別獎」,前國務院副總理錢其琛獲頒「最佳示範獎」。這個排行榜得到國家民政部等支持,因而具有官方性質。組織負責人說,公布排名是為落實總理溫家寶有關國家「支持和發展慈善事業」的精神,培育和推動全民捐贈意識。

    據新浪網報道,這個榜根據6個來源排名,包括民政部和各省民政系統提供的個人捐贈數據、捐贈者自己提供的捐贈數據、 各公益機構提供的接受捐贈數據、上巿公司財務報告中相關的捐贈數據、各種公開媒體報道的捐贈數據等,同時對全國民政廳局、600多名企業家、慈善家、財富人士及百多家公益組織進行資料蒐集和採訪核查,通過對數據綜合分析,編製而成。







    Monday, April 25, 2005



    【明報專訊】患有嚴重腦痙攣的女子阿嬌,堅持留在社區生活,盡量耗用最少的社會資源,卻不獲得足夠支援。她天生手腳不協調,穿衣洗澡要2個小時,說話口齒不清,幸好有患痙攣的鄰居「拔刀相助」,偶爾上門照顧,才得以在社區生活20年。近來阿嬌病情惡化,迫不得已向政府要求家居照顧服務,志願機構卻以個案「太爆」為理由,只能每兩周派人上門打掃1小時。社福界批評,傷殘服務今年撥款 雖然增加,但院舍外的服務卻削減資源...










    衛生福利及食物局發言人解釋,因今年只換一部復康巴士,去年換了10部,才令撥款減少。但立法會議員張超雄批評,復康巴士殘舊,削減兩成撥款是「難以置信」。社聯復康總主任袁志海亦指出,復康巴士「一直不夠用」,減資源令他難以理解。袁志海說,傷殘人士在社區得到的支援「薄弱」,如同鼓勵他們入醫院及住 院舍,屆時政府負荷更重。張超雄指,政府的復康方向是「非院舍化」,鼓勵傷殘人士及長者回家,卻削減社區服務資源,情況荒謬。

    Friday, April 22, 2005

    現場灣仔 - 國際藝術家交流工作坊

    現場灣仔 - 國際藝術家交流工作坊(香港)

    (also see 樹上飛馬: 灣仔大舞台 24人art jamming)

    The AiR Association Limited (AiR)將會在2005年4月邀請十二位海外及十二位本地藝術家,參與這次國際藝術家交流工作坊。這兩星期工作坊以灣仔舊區作舞台,不同文化背景的藝術 家將聚首一起,探索新的意念、擴展創作的疆域。工作坊既是文化交流的機會,也是創意即興互碰的實驗室。我們將設有工作室開放時間,讓公眾與藝術家傾談,而整個工作坊的過程及成果,將於五月初為期三個星期的展覽中展出。


    《現場灣仔》的合辦單位聖雅各福群會將會擔當藝術家與社區之間的橋樑,協助籌辦外展活動,串連藝術家、居民及學生結成三邊伙伴,令參加者更易了解社區、體驗生 活及創作,同時揉合藝術家和社區的創意,發揮社區資源的可能性。主辦者將與區內的店鋪及食肆等合作組織主題文化旅遊,以發展一個集合藝術、社區更新及社群經濟的創意計劃。

    國際藝術家交流工作坊(香港)屬於英國Triangle Arts Trust發起的一個國際性的藝術家工作坊聯網的成員。工作坊聯網創始於1982年,已於全球協助舉辦了超過90次工作坊,參與藝術家達2,500人。今年首次於香港舉辦,The AiR Association Limited希望能夠發展一個創新的、結合藝術家進駐及都市更新的計劃,並發展為持續性的運作模式,拓展到其他地區舉行。

    The AiR Association Limited

    The AiR Association Limited (AiR) 是香港註冊的非牟利機構,於2004年成立,由一眾具經驗的香港文化工作者組成。機構透過海外及本地的藝術家、不同的專業人士及創意社群的進駐計劃,藉以推動創意、文化交流及社區參與。國際藝術家交流工作坊是The AiR Association Limited (AiR)的揭幕活動,由工作小組運作,並由香港多位資深的藝術工作者擔任顧問。

    綠色力量 GreenPower


















    Thursday, April 21, 2005










    3名被告李美浣(50歲)、麥建歡(53歲)及張玉蘭(57歲),被控於本年3月11日,在上環地鐵站近信德中心出口,冒認「明日棟樑教育基金有限公司」 (下稱基金)籌款,售賣曲奇餅。被告從奇華購入每包5元的曲奇餅,再以20元一包賣出,案發當日「籌」得1750.5元。





    Wednesday, April 20, 2005





    嶺大亞太老年學研究中心主任陳章明公布,全港首個「遊學旅遊對長者的益處」調查,03年成功訪問69名65歲或以上的長者,發現本港長者希望退休後可透過旅遊增廣見聞,95.6%的受訪者指外遊是為觀光﹔79.7%長者則表示希望了解各地的歷史文化﹔逾五成長者盼豐富學識。絕大部分受訪者預算每次外遊需花費超過2500 元。不過,逾四成長者因財政困難而無法支付外遊費用﹔57.9%長者則因身體狀難以出門。




    United Way New Metrics

    From Philanthropy Journal: This should be the new performance standards mentioned by Darwin the other day...

    New metrics

    United Way revises benchmarks to measure community impact.
    04.14.2005 -

    United Way of America has revised its performance standards and best practices to better determine how it is improving people's lives.

    The changes are designed to reflect the organization's strategic shift from fundraising, its previous focus, to supporting the long-term needs of communities, United Way says.

    The new standards, included in a 100-page document, cover areas such as community engagement and vision, impact strategies, relationship building and brand management, and organizational leadership and governance.

    The charity is encouraging its 1,350 local affiliates to adopt the standards and benchmarks for their own operations, and says those that do will make a greater impact in their communities.

    Traditional measurements, which focused on fundraising, were last updated in 1988, United Way says.

    Monday, April 18, 2005





    【明報專訊】兔唇裂顎協會一項調查發現,三成患先天性疾病「兔唇裂顎」的孩子曾遭排斥和歧視,並發現校園原來是「最歧視場所」,歧視者更包括教師和校長,包括 勸喻病童退出唱歌、朗誦、吹奏樂器等要用嘴部的課外活動。亦有同學向病童吐口水、拳打腳踢、取笑他們醜樣等,平機會指這些行為有可能已觸犯殘疾歧視條例。


    兔唇裂顎協會表示,會向教統局及教協反映歧視問題,並促請加強教師職前培訓。協會本月訪問了203名唇裂顎孩子或其家長,發現曾遭受排斥和歧視的受訪者有 62人(31%),但協會主席朱阮淑儀指出,令人意外的是,「最歧視性場所」是學校(85%),其次是課外活動地點(56%)、交通公具(40%)、街上 (29%)﹔而「最歧視人物」依次為同學、朋輩、路人、教師及校長。


    朱太認為「名校」歧視問 題尤其嚴重,估計是報讀人數多,學校除選擇學生成績,亦選外觀。另外,有教師勸喻病童不要參加用嘴的課外活動,如朗誦、唱歌、吹奏樂器等,但朱太反駁指出,病童口部不對稱雖會導致咬字不清晰,但其實也可以吹奏樂器和唱歌。另外,亦有些學生會孤立或打罵病童,針對病童的嘴取笑他們醜陋,改花名等。朱太指出,不少家長不敢向學校投訴,擔心孩子更被歧視。





    Friday, April 15, 2005

    Britons neglect charities in will

    From the Guardian...
    Hong Kong fares quite well in this study.
    (also see 兩成半港人會把遺產捐慈善)

    'Britons neglect charities in will'

    Staff and agencies
    Tuesday April 12, 2005

    The British are among the least generous in the world when it comes to leaving money to charity when they die, a report claims today.

    Research from AXA showed that only 8% of Britons in work and 9% of retired people would like to leave part of their estates to good causes. Singapore had the highest proportion (40%) of workers intending to leave part of their inheritance to charities. (full story)

    UK: TV Show Involving Public to Make Charity Choice

    This is a very interesting idea from the UK, as reported by the Guardian. Should the Hong Kong Jockey Club think about partnering with one of the local broadcasters to produce a similar TV programme in Hong Kong? It should be a good way in enhancing the awareness of the public on many of the local charities.

    Viewers to vote on lottery cash

    TV show aims to get public more involved in choice of good causes

    Alison Benjamin
    Wednesday April 13, 2005
    The Guardian

    A TV show that allows the public to choose which charities receive millions of pounds of lottery cash is the latest move to popularise the national lottery.

    ITV is in discussions with the lottery distributor, the Big Lottery Fund (BLF), to launch a programme coinciding with the station's 50th anniversary celebrations in September. The programme, with the working title The People's Millions, is expected to give viewers the chance to vote for the charity most deserving of support, with sums as high as £50m on offer.

    An ITV spokeswoman says: "It is very early days. We are are in discussions with the Big Lottery Fund for some sort of programming around our 50th anniversary, but we don't yet know the format." A game show is one of the ideas being considered. (full story)



    【明報專訊】「可持續發展公民議會」(下稱公民議會)周二去信身兼可持續發展委員會主席的署理行政長官 曾蔭權,要求改革及開放可持續發展委員會,讓市民參與選訂香港未來可持續發展的研究方向,以挽救委員會的公信力。公民議會主席黎廣德昨日接受訪問時批評, 委員會過去兩年未盡責把關,堅拒評論違背可持續理念的發展項目,「與公眾的期望有很大落差」。


    新一屆可持續發展委員會將於下周一投入工作,委員會主席由政務司長曾蔭權擔任,鄭維健任副主席,連委員一共18人。過去兩年,委員會按港府建議的廢物處理、 再生能源利用及都市規劃3個範疇,為香港籌劃可持續發展策略。結合環保、社福和商界等學術及專業代表而成的民間組織「可持續發展公民議會」主席黎廣德昨日 為成立兩年的可持續發展委員會派發「成績單」,評論委員會的功過。他表示,委員會過去兩年令可持續發展成為港人的話題,亦採用相對政府較突破的方式諮詢公 眾意見,值得讚賞。不過,他認為委員會過去兩年並未挺身而出,選擇拒絕評論違背可持續發展的項目工程,與市民期望相差甚遠。

    黎廣德稱,要挽救委員會在市民心目中的公信力,必須改革委員會的委任方式、開放會議和讓市民參與選訂研究政策的方向。公民議會已去信主席曾蔭權,要求改革及開放可持續 發展委員會。公民議會於信中建議,委員會應藉7月港府組織新班底的時機,參考聯合國的國際組織,只有一半委員由政府委任,另一半則公開提名,增加委員會的公眾認受性。


    此外,委員會亦應改革成像環諮會的諮詢架構,所有重大政策必先由委員會審議,認為政策符合可持續發展原則後,才上行政會議拍板,此舉可讓政府政策更早諮詢公眾,避免日後的官民衝突。黎廣德表示,市民有權一同選訂未來優先研究 的方向,但並不一定要透過公投才可蒐集市民意見。他稱,新一屆委員會可透過定期舉辦公眾聽證會,聆聽市民希望優先研究的範疇。


    Wednesday, April 13, 2005






    衛 生福利及食物局和醫院管理局的消息人士又透露,由於現時不少超出審批標準的申請個案,須由醫務社工作彈性處理,故當局將釐訂更清晰的審批準則,確保個案得 到一致處理,「會考慮更多因素,如申請人家中是否有小孩和老人須要供養,和藥物費用佔家庭開支比例等」。他強調無意收緊標準,過去個案獲批的比率亦十分 高。





    人 口老化亦令長期病患者大增,單是「通波仔」手術、購買自發性體內去顫器和起搏器的資助申請,已由上年度的1882宗升至今年的2268宗,預計有關數字會 持續上升。而這些手術和器材的成本,平均由1萬至15萬元不等,一年的總開支約7000萬元。另坊間一個資助貧窮病人、每年最高撥款2500萬元的慈善計 劃於去年結束,其擔子將落在基金上。




    Tuesday, April 12, 2005





       《福布斯》慈善榜的慈善桂冠,是捐款额达3447万元的上海瀛通集团老板陈伟峰;而在“排榜专业户”胡润所做的慈善榜上,摘得冠军的是世纪金源投资公司 董事长黄如论,捐赠金额为2.1 亿元。两个榜单上的慈善冠军捐赠额度,高达5倍的差距,不能不让人侧目。而两个慈善榜到底在多大程度上揭示了中国民营企业的真实捐赠现状,不免也让人对之 打上一个问号。 (full article)


    2005中國大陸慈善家排行榜已可於《百富/歐元雜誌》中找到。其實《歐元雜誌》(Euromoney China)於2004年已發布中國的慈善家排行榜,那一期更以《寻找中国的卡耐基》作專題報道。




    Thursday, April 07, 2005

    Upcoming Events

    From ARNOVA e-news (vol. 3, no. 2)...


    May 16-17
    10th Annual Nonprofit Workout, “Keeping it Real: Accountable to Whom?”,
    Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Cambridge, Mass.; Contact:

    June 2-4
    The 15th Annual International Conference of The Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership,
    Indianapolis, Ind.; Contact: Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership at

    June 8-11
    5th National Conference on Black Philanthropy, “Building a Future Worthy of Our Past,”
    The Hilton Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minn.; Contact:

    July 11-13
    American Marketing Association Nonprofit Marketing Conference,
    Mandarin Oriental, Washington, D.C.; Contact:

    July 14-17
    Alliance for Nonprofit Management/National Council of Nonprofit Associations Joint Conference, "The Communities We Serve: Building Capacity for Impact,"
    Chicago, Ill.; Contact: Alliance for Nonprofit Management at or National Council of Nonprofit Associations at

    August 10-13
    Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement (APRA) Annual International Conference, “The Campaign Trail: Research Rich, Fundraising Focused,”
    Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, Calif.; Contact:

    August 25-26
    The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University 18th Annual Symposium, “Women and Philanthropy: Gaining Momentum,”
    Indianapolis, Ind.; Contact:

    September 8-9
    IT for the Non-IT Executive, “Understanding IT and Leveraging Its Use,”
    Cambridge, Mass.; Contact: MIT Sloan School of Management at

    October 23-25
    Independent Sector Annual Conference,
    Washington, D.C.; Contact:

    November 2-5
    2005 International Conference on Volunteer Administration,
    Adam’s Mark Hotel—Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Fla.; Contact: Association for Volunteer Administration at

    November 17-19
    34th Annual ARNOVA Conference,
    Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C.; Contact: ARNOVA at 317-684-2120; website:

    December 1-2
    IT for the Non-IT Executive, “Understanding IT and Leveraging Its Use,”
    Cambridge, Mass.; Contact: MIT Sloan School of Management at

    Recently Released Books

    From ARNOVA e-news (vol. 3, no. 2)...

    Disaster Recovery Planning for Nonprofits (2003)
    Michael K. Robinson; Hamilton Books (, 112 pages
    Michael Robinson’s book provides us with a way to help our own organizations prepare for disasters large or small. Robinson pushes us to think beyond the natural disaster, and begin to plan for any disaster, war, equipment failure, corruption or the loss of key personnel.

    Grassroots Grants: An Activist’s Guide to Grantseeking (Second Edition) (2004)
    Andy Robinson, with contributions from Jean Lewis, John Pomeranz, and Wendy Wilson; Jossey-Bass (, 259 pages

    Although this book is intended for social activists, the lessons presented by Andy Robinson can be beneficial to anyone seeking grants. Robinson presents the reality of what an organization can expect in the process of grantseeking, and what is expected of the organization.

    How To Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings (2004)
    Felix Dodds with Michael Strauss; Earthscan Publications (, 169 pages

    Dodds sets forth to answer a major challenge to map the process of how individuals or organizations can lobby intergovernmental meetings. The book offers tips for the stakeholder or governmental official, who may be at a loss concerning where to start in this process.

    Special Events: Proven Strategies for Nonprofit Fundraising (2nd Edition) (2004)
    Alan L. Wendroff; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (, 244 pages

    One of the best fundraising strategies for nonprofits is bringing people together at an event. Wendroff draws upon his years of experience to provide guidance that even a seasoned professional can find useful.

    The Good Corporate Citizen: A Practical Guide (2004)
    Doris Rubenstein; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (, 200 pages

    Rubenstein sets forth how a corporation wishing to give can do so effectively. While this book offers a step-by-step guide, it provides flexibility to the plans to allow companies of all shapes and sizes to use it successfully. The book lays out the benefits to the community and company that can be made by good corporate citizenship.

    The Professional Edge: Competencies in Public Service (2004)
    James S. Bowman, Jonathan P. West, Evan M. Berman, and Montgomery Van Wart; M. E. Sharpe (, 154 pages

    As public service employees and contractors (nonprofit and private) are required to have more specific skills, their jobs have become professionalized. They need to have specialized knowledge and skills to meet the needs of the public that they serve, and the complex problems they are expected to solve. The need for nonprofit sector employees to gain those same competencies becomes increasingly important with increased levels of contracting out by federal, state, and local governments.

    Financial Leadership for Nonprofit Executives: Guiding Your Organization to Long-term Success (2005)
    Jeanne Peters and Elizabeth Schaffer; Amherst H. Wilder Foundation (, 152 pages

    This book gives executive directors the framework, specific language, and processes needed to create an effective nonprofit business that strikes the balance between mission and money.

    Managing at the Leading Edge (2005)
    Mike Hudson; Jossey-Bass (, 304 pages

    Find out how the most successful nonprofit organizations are flourishing in a difficult social and economic climate. Hudson takes the best practices from nonprofits around the country and distills them into this practical guide for leading and managing nonprofit organizations.

    Leadership for the Common Good (2005)
    Barbara C. Crosby and John M. Bryson; Jossey-Bass (, 496 pages

    Learn how to be a better leader in this revised and updated leadership classic. Crosby and Bryson offer new insights and guidance to a new generation of leaders and aspiring leaders.

    650 Essential Nonprofit Law Questions Answered (2005)
    Bruce R. Hopkins; Jossey-Bass (, 448 pages

    This book provides essential guidance for those interested in starting new nonprofits, as well as valuable advice for directors of established organizations.

    Effective Fundraising for Nonprofits (2005)
    Ilona Bray; Nolo (, 275 pages

    Nolo’s new guide to fundraising for nonprofits covers everything from working with individual donors to soliciting grants to starting a side business.

    Starting & Building a Nonprofit (2005)
    Peri H. Pakroo; Nolo (, 300 pages

    In practical steps, Starting & Building a Nonprofit guides you from deciding whether to form a nonprofit, to engaging in strategic planning, managing your finances and taxes, developing a website, and creating a board.

    Tuesday, April 05, 2005

    Who is giving?

    How is this compared to the case of middle class giving in Hong Kong?
    Who is giving?
    Most Americans give, but the low-income give more, study says.

    03.30.2005 -

    Almost all Americans donate to charity, but those with lower incomes are more generous with their donations than the wealthy, a new study says.

    "Freelanthropy Charitable Giving Index," published by Freelanthropy, which provides online communications services for nonprofits, analyzes the giving behavior of a cross-section of 1,000 Americans.

    More than nine in 10 Americans give $100 or more a year, the study says, with more than four in 10 giving $100 to $1,000 and only about one in 20 giving $5,000 or more.

    Lower-income Americans are most generous in their giving, based on percentage of income, the study says, with four in 10 people who make less than $25,000 giving $100 to $1,000 last year.

    Older people are more generous than younger ones, the study says, with one-quarter of donations in the $1,000-to-$5,000 range coming from people ages 45 to 54, compared to 1.3 percent from those 18 to 24, while those ages 55 to 64 gave almost half the gifts of $100 to $1,000.

    One in three self-employed people gave $1,000 to $5,000, more than any other group by employment, while retirees gave the fewest of the larger gifts, the study says.
    However, at the lower giving level of $100 to $1,000, retirees were the largest group of givers, with about half giving at that level.

    Gift planning

    Community foundations are planned-giving resource for small nonprofits.
    03.29.2005 -

    As always, what a great issue [Special report on planned giving, 03.23.05].

    I really stay up to speed on what is going on through you and Philanthropy Journal. Thank you.

    On the subject of "Getting started," just for the record, smaller nonprofits or nonprofits without planned-giving expertise can create an endowment for their organization at almost any community foundation.

    They then have the full array of community-foundation services available to their donors.

    It is a wonderful option in the scenario you described.

    Such a fund takes about 10 minutes to set up.

    Information about community foundations and a locator to find them are available on the web.

    Mary Holmes, executive director,
    Cumberland Community Foundation,
    Fayetteville, N.C

    Monday, April 04, 2005



    The purpose of the workshop 'The challenges of managing the third sector' is to present and discuss in a stimulating environment high quality research papers on all relevant aspects of managing small and large non profit organisations. Both theoretical and empirical papers, including excellent case studies and papers written by senior managers/ policymakers/ practitioners, will be welcomed.

    Suggestions for specific domains to be dealt with are :
    · policy constraints on npo management
    · funding constraints on npo management
    · ethical issues versus commercialisation and commodification
    · the introduction of private sector managerial techniques in npos
    · the role of sponsors
    · problems of fundraising
    · functional management of npos : accounting, finance, marketing, human resources
    · strategy and npo objectives
    · npo management in transition economies
    · inter-disciplinary approaches to the challenges of the Third Sector

    Those who are interested in presenting a full paper should submit it before April 15, 2005.




    【明報專訊】本報昨日報道,本港4個庇護中心之一的和諧之家,新一年度的求助婦女人數上升兩成。最新數字亦顯示,求助的男士人數,今年亦同樣上升近兩成。和諧之家開設熱線,為向婦女施虐後的男士提供輔導,2004至05年有115宗 個案,較2003年96宗增加19.8%。




    而入住和諧之家的兒童人數亦有升幅,去年有193名小童入住,今年度有224人,上升了18.5%。和諧之家總幹事王鳳儀指兒童受家庭暴力影響嚴重,部分兒 童入住庇護中心後,會仿效父親暴力行為。因此,機構今年會加強兒童服務,設「和諧速遞」專車,巡迴學校向兒童講解和諧信息。



    Saturday, April 02, 2005

    CCSG e-Newsletter (4th Issue)

    Check out the latest e-newsletter here.


    I'm supposed to participate in this conference and present the Hong Kong paper, which I compiled jointly with Josephine Lee (of SJS), and with research support provided by the St James' Settlement Research Team.

    EVENT: Asian Social Entrepreneurship Forum: Roots And Roadmaps
    Dates: 19-20 February
    Venue: Taipei, Taiwan
    Organizers: Conference of Asian Foundations and Organizations (CAFO)

    Thirty-five social entrepreneurs gathered at a conference entitled 『Roots and Roadmaps' in Taipei on 19-20 February 2005. The objectives of the gathering, organized by the Conference of Asian Foundations and Organizations (CAFO), were to discuss and contribute to the evolving social entrepreneurship framework developed by CAFO over the preceding three years; to increase appreciation of the roots, contexts and characteristics of social entrepreneurship in Asian societies; and to discuss the issues and challenges the movement faces in the region and how CAFO might serve as a platform to address them.

    Social Entrepreneurship in Asia:
    Origins and Roles

    The session on indigenizing social entrepreneurship in Asian societies found the roots of social entrepreneurship in community cooperation on such things as house construction and transfer, agricultural production and the barter system, which were common in India, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. In more recent times, self-help groups and cooperatives had grown up in response to the failure of post-colonial states to provide adequate level of goods and services. Development NGOs had also arisen, funded either by overseas development assistance or western donors more generally in the case of poorer countries (such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines) or by government and corporate donors in the case of more affluent countries (such as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore).

    Social entrepreneurship evolved in both cases as NPOs were obliged to diversify their sources of funding following a general downturn in funding. Participants felt that social entrepreneurship had effectively become the art of developing and managing enterprises with multiple bottom lines and identified a number of potential roles for it in different areas of Asia:

    * to address the financial sustainability of development programmes and institutions where sources of grant funding are drying up and create trends towards more market-based approaches among NPOs;

    * to empower economically the poor/marginalized in underdeveloped/developing economies (India, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia);

    * to advocate for a more humane, responsive market economy (for example, fair trade, partnership with corporations to promote corporate citizenship while tapping their expertise and resources for social enterprise initiatives);

    * to provide services for businesses to help them provide for a larger section of the population (as in the case of Taiwan);

    * to integrate disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized sectors into the mainstream economy in developed market economies or affluent societies (Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan);

    * to ensure a more humane shift to market economies in socialist countries (such as China and Vietnam).

    This last point was felt to be of particular importance for future research projects.

    The challenges of social entrepreneurship

    The conference identified a number of major challenges through the experiences presented by individual social enterprises. Many of these were to do with managing the conflicts creating by running a business and at the same time providing a service (how, for instance, to measure non-financial bottom lines or to determine the cost-benefit ratio of a service or programme). There was also the question of mainstreaming: organizations engaged in fair trade begin with niche markets but, sooner or later, need to be able to compete in the open market. Another issue is scaling up, that is, enhancing the participation of marginalized sectors and the benefits of such enhanced participation in the market. Here again, the major underlying question was seen as being how to reconcile the commercial and the social elements of a social enterprise.

    The relevance of social entrepreneurship in the aftermath of the tsunami

    The fourth session described the work of Dompet Dhuafa (DD) (Indonesia) and the Thai Volunteer Service (TVS) in the relief and rehabilitation of tsunami victims. DD implements a community recovery programme called the Kampung (Village) Reform, which has economic, social development, education, health and infrastructural elements. TVS spearheaded the formation of the Taskforce for Southern Community and Ecological Recovery composed of over a hundred Thai NGOs that address the needs of women, children and local fisherfolk and questions of labour, religion and disability, among others.

    The social entrepreneurship agenda for CAFO

    Delegates proposed the following action plan for CAFO. In respect of tsunami relief and reconstruction, CAFO can be a platform for the exchange and sharing of ideas and experiences about rehabilitation and reconstruction work using social entrepreneurship models.

    Social entrepreneurship is a key strategy for sustainable development. In order to further its promotion and development, CAFO can help organize and support future initiatives like the Roots and Roadmaps conference. Sectors to be lobbied are government, corporations, CSOs outside of CAFO, and the public. CAFO also has a capacity-building role, bringing organizations and resources together and helping build a body of knowledge.

    Finally, CAFO should develop further overall strategies in social entrepreneurship based on the specific strategies in each country; conduct action research based on the challenges outlined above; develop further capacity-building tools; and set up a website and mailing list for the sharing of information.

      Friday, April 01, 2005









      Strategic Grants-Management Software

      [advertorial from Philanthropy Journal]

      Strategic software

      Optimizing grants-management software can help reach goals faster.

      By Kathy Krais

      [Publisher's note: The Philanthropy Journal does not necessarily endorse the opinions, products or services offered or cited in this paid advertorial.]

      The JEHT Foundation was established in April 2000 to support its donors' interests in human rights, social justice and community building.

      The foundation makes a combination of multi-year and one-time grant commitments for general operating support, project support, capacity building, and special needs and opportunities as they arise in its fields of interest.

      JEHT Foundation has used GIFTS® grants management software from MicroEdge Inc. since its inception. However, the foundation realized it would need more detailed grants and organizational data to conduct more thorough analysis and planning, including creating specific cash-flow reports.

      Debra Kendall, JHET Foundation's administrative director, called MicroEdge, which recommended that the foundation consider an optimization analysis to examine their use of GIFTS and ensure they are getting the most from GIFTS.

      The optimization analysis took three days. After an onsite examination of why the foundation uses GIFTS, evaluation and discussion of the objectives of the optimization analysis, and review of the completed report, MicroEdge spent time with the foundation staff to demonstrate additional ways to use GIFTS.

      The reporting problem that initially prompted the JEHT Foundation's call to MicroEdge occurred due to the way grants data were input into GIFTS, and the coding structure that was being used.

      The foundation resolved these issues by reorganizing its coding structure, adding more codes to cover various request types and status, enabling them to show all the detailed steps of a grant instead of just broad ranges, allowing the foundation to easily see how many organizations have submitted proposals, how many have been rejected, and how many have been funded.

      "We are now using GIFTS as an organization-wide solution for the whole foundation, rather than only as a grants process tools for the program staff," says Marjorie Louis, JHET Foundation's grants administrator.

      "Since our program managers often are on the run and can't always be tracked down, GIFTS enables us to access all the information we need, regardless of whether they're in the office or on the road."

      Once the JEHT Foundation has implemented all of the suggested changes to their current process, it plans to go back and adjust past data records, to afford a better historical view.

      Then they'll look ahead to the future.

      "Once you've started using GIFTS," says Marjorie, "it's a good idea to step back and utilize this service, to see whether the system is being used to its fullest potential."