Wednesday, April 20, 2005

United Way New Metrics

From Philanthropy Journal: This should be the new performance standards mentioned by Darwin the other day...

New metrics

United Way revises benchmarks to measure community impact.
04.14.2005 -

United Way of America has revised its performance standards and best practices to better determine how it is improving people's lives.

The changes are designed to reflect the organization's strategic shift from fundraising, its previous focus, to supporting the long-term needs of communities, United Way says.

The new standards, included in a 100-page document, cover areas such as community engagement and vision, impact strategies, relationship building and brand management, and organizational leadership and governance.

The charity is encouraging its 1,350 local affiliates to adopt the standards and benchmarks for their own operations, and says those that do will make a greater impact in their communities.

Traditional measurements, which focused on fundraising, were last updated in 1988, United Way says.

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