Civil Society Summit on Urban Renewal
日期Date﹕ 6.6.2009 (Saturday)
時間Time﹕ 9:15a.m-5:00 p.m.
地點Venue﹕ 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈2樓201室
Room 201, 2/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
1. 檢視『都市重建』的得與失
2. 提出城市發展的宏觀規劃方針
3. 市建局的角色及其他機制考慮
The first phase of Urban Renewal Strategy Review namely “Envisioning” has been completed in January 09 and has proceeded to the second phase namely “Public Engagement”. Urban Renewal affects our lives and the future development of Hong Kong and Urban Renewal Strategy Review provide a golden opportunity for us to voice out our views.
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service collaborates with over 20 civil groups and enthusiastic individuals to co-organize a Civil Society Summit on Urban Renewal. We aim to inspire more ideas and encourage participation through the captioned event. We also want to provide a platform for sharing of experiences and reflections of different stakeholders over the process of urban renewal. We hope to jointly explore strategies and actions to put the phase of “pubic engagement” forward.
The summit has 3 foci, they are:
1. Evaluate gain and loss from the past experience
2. Planning approach
3. Deliberate the role of URA and alternatives
For details of the summit, please refer to the rundown attached. For those who are interested, please go to
http://www.hkcss.org.hk/pra/cb4_events/june6summit.htm for online registration or complete the attached registration form and fax it to 28642999 on or before June 1.