Saturday, December 25, 2004

阿麥書房 - 「非牟利機構」專業參考書目

Mackie Study is a very small 2nd floor bookstore at Causeway Bay selling mostly Chinese books (and mostly books imported from Taiwan). I highly recommend book lovers to visit them to pick up a book, enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee, or buy a CD of alternative music produced by Hong Kong or Taiwan musicians.

I have also introduced Mackie to my nonprofit friends because of the nonprofit management series that they are selling. Capacity building of NGOs - or nonprofit management - has been a hot topic in Taiwan in recent years and many overseas books on nonprofit management have been translated into Chinese by the Taiwanese. However, few of them are available for sale in Hong Kong. Markie is the authorized sole distributer for a Taiwan publisher whose collections include the nonprofit management series and the creative industries series... A 10% discount is now offered to NGOs purchasing books from the nonprofit management series; check it out to help yourself...

阿麥書房 -「非牟利機構」專業參考書目

非牟利團體訂購優惠 !!!


阿麥書房非常榮幸,獲此機會向香港地區的非牟利機構成員介紹「五觀藝術」整系列優質的中文出版。六年來,「五觀藝術」默默耕耘,將「藝術管理」專業概念廣泛引進華人地區,加上「非營利事業管理」叢書所涵蓋之「第三部門」(Third Sector)管理知識,致使非營利事業的執行和發展得到應有的關注。

1 comment:

Crazylegz said...
