Monday, February 28, 2005

Amnesty International


【明報專訊】於44年前創立國際特赦組織(Amnesty)的英國律師本南森(Peter Benenson)周五病逝,享年83。在他帶領下,國際特赦致力伸張全球人權,榮獲諾貝爾和平獎。











【明報專訊】畢生奉獻於人權事業的本南森,生於1921年,是俄國猶太裔銀行家之孫。在母親鼓勵下,在讀書時代開始,已經常不平則鳴,並且顯露出對人道的關注。他幼時受業於著名詩人奧登(W. H. Auden)。入讀伊頓公學後,曾為校內伙食問題勇敢地向校長投訴,又推動扶助西班牙內戰孤兒運動並助養了一名嬰兒,又參與組織募款活動,援助兩名由納粹德國逃到英國的猶太孩子。






Saturday, February 26, 2005


From today's Apple Daily...

遺產留給子女 比率僅佔六成

【本報訊】一項國際性調查顯示,有三成一本港受訪在職人士及一成九退休人士,最想在退休後做義務工作,比率為十五個國家及地區中最高。兩成半在職港人稱日後會把遺產捐予慈善機構,比率僅次於新加坡及美國;只有六成人稱會把遺產留給子女,比率為當中最低。 記者:倪清江








From today's Mingpao...



【明報專訊】細文和雯雯以往浮沉毒海的經歷與一般隱君子無異﹕因結交損友而沾染毒癮、進出監獄、戒毒……但一個小生命的誕生,卻令他們更懂得珍惜生命。從此,兩夫婦放棄向社署申請每月8000多元的綜援金, 自力更生﹔媽媽在家照顧小兒子,爸爸在外當月入6500元的保安員。看精靈活潑的進仔,他們說﹕「我們不吃也沒所謂,希望他快高長大,將來不要步我們的後塵。」





Friday, February 25, 2005

ARNOVA Conference - Call for Participation

Call for Participation
The 34th Annual ARNOVA Conference
November 17-19, 2005
Washington, DC USA

The Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) invites participation in its 34th annual conference. The special focus area this year will be:

Nonprofits, Philanthropy and the Public Agenda: Linking Research, Practice and Policy

Nonprofit organizations influence and affect the public agenda in numerous ways-from constituting alternatives to public action to highlighting problems that should be on the public agenda; from being third party agents critical in the implementation of various social policies to providing evaluation and feedback on policy effectiveness; from independently addressing community issues to constituting alliances to address public issues. Likewise philanthropy can support or be a partner to alternatives to public policy, both domestically and internationally. Indeed, philanthropy and nonprofits are significant influences on the public agenda in most forms that that agenda takes: campaign issues, subjects for legislative hearings, court cases and regulatory rulings, public opinion polls, issues receiving media attention, the activities of international organizations, and public and private research agendas. Furthermore, nonprofits and philanthropy often seek to influence the public agenda by bringing both research and practical experience together to define issues, identify possible causes, develop potential action options and to inform policymaker and the policymaking processes. In turn, the actions of public policymakers at all levels of governance can affect demands upon and resources available to nonprofits as well as impose new costs or delegate added responsibilities. This year's conference offers an opportunity to explore the dynamics, forms, challenges and effectiveness of these interactions. Topics of interest include (but are not necessarily limited to):
  • The practices of philanthropy as agents of change, catalysts of issue definition, and developers of model programs
  • The role of nonprofit practitioners in identifying, addressing, and advocating for policies and programs that address problems they deal with on the front line
  • The role of scholars of nonprofit organizations in identifying problems and challenges unique to the sector and developing ideas for how to respond
  • The practices of the independent sector and nonprofit organizations in being advocates for policy action, including case studies focusing on specific issues or sub-sectors
  • Obstacles and incentives for better communication and collaboration between researchers and practitioners
  • The ways in which recent or pending public policies affect the mission, operations, and evaluation of nonprofits and the independent sector
  • Methods for communicating with policymakers and assessments of the effectiveness of philanthropy and nonprofits in influencing policy activity
  • The role of nonprofits and philanthropy in influencing transnational and international governance and the forces of globalization
  • How education about the third sector and of future nonprofit administrators is responding to significant environmental changes brought on by globalization, technological change, shifting relations between the sectors, and demographic changes
In addition to the focus areas listed above, we solicit proposals in areas such as the management and operation of nonprofit organizations, comparative studies of the third sector, and human resources including leadership and volunteerism. Moreover, proposals can address issues related to specific sub-sectors, e.g., health, social services, religious, arts and culture, civil society, recreation, advocacy and voluntary associations, etc.

    Monday, February 21, 2005

    Giving by the Middle Class

    From today's SCMP...
    Middle class most generous when it comes to charity
    Monday, February 21, 2005, PATSY MOY

    Middle-class people with an annual salary of between $400,000 and $600,000 are the most generous donors to charity, Inland Revenue Department figures show.

    Taxpayers from that income group contributed $496 million, or 0.69 per cent of their income, to charities in 2002-03 - more than double the rate of those who earned more than 10 times as much.

    The nearly 150,000 taxpayers in the middle income group earned a total of more than $70 billion in that year.

    Statistically, each contributed an average of $3,000 a year to charities.

    People who earned between $7.5 million and $10 million that year contributed 0.32 per cent of their personal income to charities.

    Ho Wai-chi, a fundraising consultant to the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, said the rich were "less generous" than the middle class.

    In light of the generosity of middle-class families, Mr Ho said he hoped the middle classes could be encouraged to designate part of their assets to charity in their wills, - a concept similar to that of organ donation, allowing them to continue to share their concern for charities after their death.

    Mr Ho said some businessmen had made contributions through companies instead of in an individual capacity.

    But charitable donations under profits tax exemption in 2002/03 totalled $640 million, only about one quarter of the $2.35 billion from salaries taxes.

    Sociology professor Ting Kwok-fai, of the Chinese University, said donors would usually consider the actual amount of their donations instead of the proportion of their income, which may explain why those in the upper economic classes contributed a smaller portion of their salaries.

    But Professor Ting pointed out that many people from the middle class in Hong Kong originally came from the less privileged families, climbing the ladder of success through their own efforts such as obtaining a higher education and professional qualifications.

    "They were not born with a silver spoon in their mouth and tend to be more sympathetic towards those who live in poverty," the sociologist explained.

    Mr Ho expected donations from individual donors could jump fourfold to $10 billion a year from $2.3 billion because the government drastically relaxed the cap on tax deductions for charity contributions from 10 per cent of personal income in the past to 25 per cent last financial year.

    He said charities should try to gear up to attract more donations amid the strong competition. They should not just maintain conventional methods to appeal for funding such as charity sales and walkathons.

    The number of charities applying for tax deductible status has jumped almost one-third in five years, from 3,060 in 1999 to 3,981 last year.



      【明報專訊】有社福界人士透露,據其了解,政府委任顧問公司研究社會福利機構財政問題的報告中,顧問公司估計在 05/06年度,約有六成社福機構出現赤字,至09/10年度更增至近九成。顧問指出,機構可能要透過凍薪及凍結增薪點、聘用低薪員工方能收支平衡。社福 大聯盟批評顧問公司沒有一併評估員工士氣受打擊情,倘一旦停止發放撥款,員工士氣低落,會影響服務質素,建議政府就撥款公開諮詢業界。


      社署4年前更改志願機構撥款機制,由實報實銷變成一筆過撥款,給予機構更大理財彈性,承諾員工福利薪金不變,方法包括向機構連續5年給予「過渡期撥款」、按 原有合約所訂之增薪點支薪。社署早前委託顧問公司研究5年過渡期滿後,受資助機構的財政狀及需要支援程度,報告尚未正式發表。



      報告中指出,有61%的機構在05/06財政年度會出現赤字,到09/10年度更增至89%,顧問公司評估,若機構由05/06年度開始每年減省2%或以上 支出,則絕大部分機構可在09/10年度達收支平衡﹔削減開支措施可能包括凍結薪酬及增薪點、以較低薪酬聘請人員代替離職員工。


      Thursday, February 17, 2005

      Graduate Fellowships on Nonprofit Financial Management

      Graduate Fellowships in Public and Nonprofit Financial Management, School of Public and International Affairs, Virginia Tech

      A New Graduate Fellows Program
      The School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech announces two new graduate fellowships in public and nonprofit financial management to begin in fall 2005:
      • Three- year fellowship for Ph.D. student in Public Administration and Public Affairs or Environmental Design and Planning.
      • Two- year fellowship for master student in the Master of Public Administration, Master of Public and International Affairs, or Master of Urban and Regional Planning.
      Student fellows will matriculate in their degree program while holding graduate research assistantships in the University's higher administration.

      The Goals of the Program
      The School's Fellowship Program in Public and Nonprofit Financial Management is tied to a developing curriculum and research program targeted at increasing understanding of the relationships between financial and budgeting systems and public and nonprofit organization effectiveness and accountability. More specifically, Fellows will enjoy the opportunity to pursue advanced course work and research with interested faculty that:

      • Examines the relationship of budgeting and financial management systems to the allocation of organizational resources
      • Explores how budgeting and financial processes relate to effective performance outcome measures and strategies
      • Investigates cutting edge organizational planning and management tools for more effective resource administration, including capital, treasury and debt management.
      For additional information concerning School Programs, please visit:

      Saturday, February 12, 2005

      「中產之聲」(Part II)









      在 「中產之聲」的網站內,有50多名登記會員表達了意見,他們對政府的綜援政策反應最大,直指政府「劫中(產)濟貧」,「貪得無厭,好似前世欠了他們。要立刻取消綜援,改為無現金的援助方式」、「幫窮人無問題,但係唔可以淨係派錢而不斷加重中產負擔」、「不要再浪費我們的血汗錢,快減稅」。
















      Friday, February 11, 2005

      New Book on Community Informatics

      The Community Informatics Research Network (, held its 2004 Inaugural Conference and Colloquium with the theme, 'Sustainability and Community Technology: What Does this Mean for Community Informatics?', at the Monash Centre, Prato, Italy, 29 September - 1 October, 2004.

      Proceedings are now available for purchase:

      The CIRN 2004 Prato Conference proceedings (ISBN 0-9581058-3-9) include all the refereed and non-refereed papers from the academic, practitioner, and PhD streams.

      There are 48 papers in the two volumes coming to more than 600 pages of text and graphics, with contributions from many countries. The Proceedings are an excellent resource for your organisation's research, teaching, and practical activity in community informatics.

      Additional information (including the table of contents, list of authors and introduction) available at

      Proceedings CD:

      In addition to the all the conference papers being reproduced as
      bookmarked PDFs, the proceedings CD contains:

      -- MP3 sound files of the Conference Opening and keynotes from Don Schauder, Laura Ripamonti, Erica Rosalen and Mike Gurstein, as well as their accompanying powerpoints.

      -- 200+ Prato photos taken by participants

      -- Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Community Informatics

      -- CIRN Brochure

      -- CIRN Cape Town 2005 Announcement.

      Publishers of the book are the Centre for Community Networking Research, School of Information Management & Systems Monash University and Community Informatics Research Network, Inc.

      The book has been desk-published in Russia by the Centre of Community Networking and Information Policy Studies (CCNS).

      To order and purchase a copy of the proceedings please go to

      We invite you to purchase additional copies for your institution, and to distribute the information below to colleagues. As there are only a limited number of copies available for purchase, please encourage them to do so quickly!

      Best regards,
      Sergei Stafeev






      Thursday, February 10, 2005

      Fundraising on the Internet

      From Philanthropy Journal

      Fundraising in today's Internet-driven world requires more than a "donate now" button on your Web site. You need the latest tools and techniques for fundraising success. Download our free fundraising guide and discover: How to create online fundraising campaigns that get results. How to measure online fundraising success. What successful nonprofits are doing to achieve success online.

      Wednesday, February 09, 2005










      防止虐待兒童會總幹事雷張慎佳及香港社區組織協會主任何喜華指出,政府削減社福開支,令不少團體需要賣旗籌集經費,兩人皆歡迎社署推出有關改善措施。何喜華 表示,由於賣旗涉及印旗、製旗袋、尋找義工等成本,故在籌款機構明顯增加下,可能出現「僧多粥少」情,機構實際收益估計不多。



      Tuesday, February 08, 2005

      Call for Submissions - "Democracy & Society"

      ** Call for Submissions - "Democracy & Society" Issue 3 **

      Georgetown University's Center for Democracy and the Third Sector (CDATS) invites article submissions for the next issue of "Democracy & Society." "Democracy & Society" (D&S) gives substantive treatment to important themes related to democratic governance and the third sector. (Log onto the CDATS website to view previous issues of D&S)


      For this issue, we are seeking well written, interesting submissions of 800-2000 words on the theme below, including summaries and/or excerpts of recently completed research, new publications, and work in progress. Submissions are due Friday, March 3, 2005.

      Theme: Global Civil Society

      We are seeking submissions exploring the role and the impact of global civil society as well as changes in its structure or composition. We especially welcome submissions from scholars and other researchers from third sector organizations and from outside the United States. Potential questions to address include, but are not limited to: In what ways is global civil society able to promote greater international democracy? In what ways is it failing? Whom does global civil society represent, and how is representation legitimated? How is global civil society responding to the challenge of the rising power of "regressive globalizers" who favor globalization only when it is in their particular interest? What has been the effect of a more formalized role for civil society in global institutions? How are the people, organizations, and values of transnational civil society shaping our world? Can we look to global civil society to address concerns about inequity, health, and security? What are the implications of growing demands for the accountability of global civil society organizations?


      Ideal length is 800-2,000 words. Please email submissions (MS Word preferred) to Endnotes preferred. Please include your name, department or organization, title, and contact information. Submissions for this issue are due Friday, March 3, 2005.

      Monday, February 07, 2005



      【明報專訊】社工界有新勢力崛起,一個標榜「促進香港與內地社會福利界服務交流及發展」的社 工工會剛成立,副會長認為,「社工不要只看見香港,要有跨界目光」﹔面對社福界削資,社工就業前景暗淡,他們主張開拓大中華市場,「輸出社工」北上就業。 至於立法會社福界代表張超雄和其他工會領袖主張的07、08年普選,該會坦言未有立場,副會長說﹕「太政治化是問題,要以行業利益行先」。

      香港社會福利服務從業員協會(社福協)去年10月成立,頭炮活動「無國界社工」,派社工義務到泰國海嘯災區提供輔導。外務副會長陳義飛(圖)表示,16名創 會者中,10人是前度或現任國際社會服務社(下稱國際社)職員,他和另一副會長都曾被派駐內地做社工,他本身亦擁有北京大學法學學士學位。


      他說,他們和其他工會最大不同之處,是致力促進中港社福界交流。「香港回歸後,兩地融合是大趨勢,意味社工不能局限在這裏。」陳義飛形容,政府有財赤壓力, 不能無限度增加資源,社工要就業,內地是個「龐大的機會」,卻未見其他工會爭取,「其他專業如會計師也爭取CEPA專業資格互認,社工卻沒有」。









      副會長陳義飛說,他們和任何政黨沒關係,但他曾替民主黨羅致光競選立法會助選。另一副會長陳萬聯曾是學協成員,去年立法會選舉曾任工聯會助選團團長,對於他 是否親中人士,他不置可否,只說﹕「社工做服務最緊要」。社福協現有50名會員,約20萬元的創會費,一半來自兩名商界朋友。

      有600多 會員的社會工作者總工會會長張國柱說,只要組織對社工行業有幫助,歡迎它成立,對於「不談政治、多和內地溝通」的立場,他說要「尊重不同人的訴求」。張國柱重申自己的看法﹕「我認為愈早有普選愈好,香港可愛的地方是可以說話,我的立場亦代表業內同事訴求。」有1000多名會員的社會工作人員協會則沒有回 應。


      Sunday, February 06, 2005


      《你今日拯救0左地球未呀?》即將於四月上演,請多多支持。 如有查詢或需要訂票,也可直接聯絡我。也請把以下訊息及表格轉寄給有興趣的朋友。 謝謝。 Eddy 陳銘匡/宣傳主任

      W創作社X 蘇玉華X 林一峰


      繼《馴情記》之後,W創作社與林一峰再次聯合主辦《你今日拯救0左地球未呀?》,並將於4月20日起在藝術中心壽臣劇場公演 10 場。

      《你今日拯救0左地球未呀?》乃搞笑感人的成人童話音樂劇場,內容描述徘徊生與死的純真世界,舞台佈景燈光服裝的運用出乎你意料,主演主唱的林一峰特別為本劇 撰寫多首全新歌曲,並邀得蘇玉華擔任女主角,以及荷里活電影《史力加》動畫總監許誠毅擔任美術設計,其他主要演員包括邵美君、梁祖堯、黃雪文、楊詩敏、劉 子騰及吳劍菲,更有一群劇場幕後精英助陣,絕對值得期待。

      《你今日拯救0左地球未呀?》現推出優先訂票服務,你只需於2月24日前預訂任 何一場$280門票,除可獲得安排最佳座位外,成功訂購兩張門票的觀眾更可獲得《你今日拯救0左地球未呀?》珍藏紀念Tee(非賣品)一件。(成功訂購四 張門票則獲贈紀念Tee兩件,如此類推。)


      截止日期:2月24日 (郵寄信件以郵戳為準)

      Saturday, February 05, 2005


      樂施會《香港脫貧網》電子報 (4/2/2005)

      "香港脫貧網" 是由樂施會一班關注香港貧窮及不平等問題的義工精心製作的網頁,目標是透過探討現今香港社會上發生在你我週遭的貧窮和不公義的社會現象和問題,從而使大眾 對此有更多的認識,以及喚起大家的關注,凝聚多一分改革的聲音和力量。此外,我們亦希望這網頁能提供機會,分享你對問題的看法、感受和提出建議。

      Friday, February 04, 2005




      曾 在世界各貧困地區籌建十多萬間房屋的基督教建屋組織仁人家園,昨日正式宣布成立香港分會。該會主席陳達文說,已在海嘯重災區的印尼及斯里蘭卡興建五十多間住屋,預料總數將會在兩年內擴展至二萬五千間。該會的頭炮籌款活動,是為全港中小學生而設的「利是重建行動」,同學們需要自行組隊二十人參加,只要每人捐出四百元,全組籌得的八千元就足以興建一間新的單層住屋。


      蘋果基金接受申請撥款: 蘋果日報慈善基金因應社會需要,定期舉行會議,審批社福機構遞交的計劃書,資助創新及有意義的服務,直接幫助弱勢社群。


      蘋 果基金2005年度第一季撥款現正接受社會服務機構申請,任何非牟利慈善團體、小組、自助組織均可提出。社會服務機構可將有關計劃書寄交或傳真至基金,以 便蘋果基金愛心基金委員會於短期內審核,截止日期為二月十八日(星期五)。

      社會服務團體可向蘋果基金索取《資助社會服務計劃》申請表格,另亦可上網查閱有 關資料及下載申請表。



      New Publication: Government-Civil Society Policy Partnerships

      Strengthening Social Policy: Lessons on forging government-civil society policy partnerships

      The culmination of a two year CIDA-funded project, this book looks at a series of innovative experiences and common lessons that can help government and civil society actors address social policy challenges. Edited by the Institute On Governance, the publication contains fascinating case studies on indigenous peoples' rights, children's rights, maternity leave, consumer rights, and the prostitution and trafficking of women. The studies were prepared by lead researchers in each of the five participating countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Canada. The publication captured the attention of the World Bank Institute, who invited the IOG down to launch their series of Brown Bag discussions in November 2004.

      Table of Contents

      Chapter 1:

      Chapter 2:
      Policy Partnerships in an Era of Cosmopolitan Governance
      Jennifer Chandler

      Chapter 3:
      The Context for Partnership in the Participating Countries

      Chapter 4:
      Preventing Trafficking in Women and Voicing Women’s Political Interests
      Case Studies from Indonesia
      Joe Fernandez

      Chapter 5:
      Strengthening Partnerships Between Civil Society and Government
      Case Studies from Malaysia
      Dr. Denison Jayasooria

      Chapter 6:
      Children’s Protection and Indigenous People’s Rights in the Philippines
      Case Studies from the Philippines
      Dr. Francisco A. Magno and Ruth Lusterio-Rico

      Chapter 7:
      Civil Society and Governance in Thailand
      Case Studies from Thailand
      Dr. Juree Vichit-Vadakan and Dr. Kanokkan Anulansai, with assistance from Nongnoot Poungpong

      Chapter 8:
      The Role of Canadian Voluntary Sector Organizations in Development of Public Policy Related to Benefits for Children
      Case Studies from Canada
      Mel Gill

      Chapter 9:
      Building Better Social Policy: What We’ve Learned from Stories of Successful Government-Civil Society Policy Partnerships
      Laura Edgar

      Chapter 10:
      On Reflection

      Thursday, February 03, 2005

      European Conference

      Concepts of the Third Sector
      The European Debate
      Civil Society, Voluntary Organizations, Social and Solidarity-Based Economy

      The First European Conference of ISTR and EMES will take place April 27-29, 2005 at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), in Paris, France.

      The Preliminary Programme, Registration Form,and Hotel Information is now available on the ISTR website at

      Online Discussion (LIVE NOW)

      Online discussion: Getting global giving going - LIVE NOW
      Hosted by Caroline Hartnell and Adele Simmons

      Is global philanthropy increasing? What are the barriers to its increase? What can be done to stimulate it?

      We originally considered these questions in the December 2004 issue of Alliance, and the debate within the magazine focused on the following areas.
      • the need to create a new culture of giving among individuals
      • the need to make it easier for individuals to give, both by simplifying the process and by assuring them that their donations are going to reliable groups
      Now we'd like to open the conversation wider and have your views on these questions. Our online discussion forum, hosted together with Social Edge, is considering the same question as the December issue - what would it take to really get global philanthropy going?

      To participate in the debate or to read the contributions, please visit:

      The discussion will continue until 14 February.

      Mark Your Diary - Upcoming Events and Conferences

      Also from ARNOVA e-News...

      April 3-6
      42nd Annual AFP International Conference on Fundraising, Baltimore, Md.; Contact: Association of Fundraising Professionals at

      May 11
      6th Annual Symposium, “Nonprofits and Marketing: Unleashing the Power and Promise of Your Mission to Meet the New Market Reality,” North Park University, Chicago, Ill.; website:

      July 14-17
      Alliance for Nonprofit Management/National Council of Nonprofit Associations Joint Conference, "The Communities We Serve: Building Capacity for Impact," Chicago, Ill.; Contact: Alliance for Nonprofit Management at or National Council of Nonprofit Associations at

      August 25-26
      The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University 18th Annual Symposium, “Women and Philanthropy: Gaining Momentum,” Indianapolis, Ind.; Contact:

      October 23-25

      Independent Sector Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.; Contact:

      November 17-19
      34th Annual ARNOVA Conference, Capital Hilton, Washington, D.C.; Contact: ARNOVA website:

      Recently Released Books

      From ARNOVA e-News...

      Losing Your Executive Director Without Losing Your Way: The Nonprofit’s Guide to Executive Turnover (2004)
      Carol Weisman and Richard I. Goldbaum; Jossey-Bass/A Wiley Imprint (, 158 pages
      The authors help guide the nonprofit board through the perils of replacing an executive director from start to finish, with their “Seven Components of Successful Transition Management.”

      Getting Funded: The Complete Guide to Writing Grant Proposals (4th Edition) (2003)
      Mary Hall and Susan Howlett; Continuing Education Press (, 174 pages
      The authors of this fourth edition of Getting Funded guide the reader through the proposal development, writing and submission process.

      The Nonprofit Mergers Workbook Part II—Unifying the Organization after a Merger (2004)
      La Piana Associates, Inc.; Amherst H. Wilder Foundation (, 230 pages
      This workbook, a sequel to The Nonprofit Mergers Workbook Part I—Considering, Negotiating, and Executing a Merger, helps answer the question of how to make mergers work.

      The Nonprofit Board Member’s Guide to Lobbying and Advocacy (2004)
      Marcia Avner; Amherst H. Wilder Foundation (, 128 pages
      Whether the organization is large or small, locally or nationally focused, struggling or prospering, this book aims to help the board in an effect to lobby and advocate for issues deemed important.

      Community Visions, Community Solutions: Grantmaking for Comprehensive Impact (2003)
      Joseph A. Connor and Stephanie Kadel-Taras; Amherst H. Wilder Foundation (, 107 pages
      The aim of this book is to help funders achieve community goals. The book presents many ways in which funders can spur action and attain results in communities.

      The New Effective Voluntary Board of Directors: What It Is and How It Works (2003)
      William R. Contrad, Jr.; Swallow Press (, 229 pages
      This book presents a “how-to” for those working on, for, or with boards of directors in nonprofit organizations. Conrad takes the reader through the steps for a nonprofit board of directors to work effectively.

      Benchmarking for Nonprofits: How to Measure, Manage, and Improve Performance (2004)
      Jason Saul; Amherst H. Wilder Foundation (, 112 pages
      Benchmarking—the ongoing process of measuring an organization against leaders—can help stimulate innovation, increase impact, decrease costs, raise money, inspire staff, impress funders, engage the board, and sharpen the organization’s mission. The book provides a strategic, step-by-step approach to benchmarking.

      Reports on Outcome Management

      The Urban Institute has released the last two guides in its six-guide series on Outcome Management for Nonprofit Organizations: Analyzing Outcome Information and Using Outcome Information.

      The premise of the series is that tracking the results of services regularly will provide nonprofit organizations with basic information to help them become learning organizations that continuously strive to improve their services to their customers and communities.

      The guides (all six of them) are available in PDF format at

      Wednesday, February 02, 2005

      Boards and Beyond: Nonprofit Governance Conference


      March 31- April 1, 2005
      Kansas City, Missouri, U.S.A.

      A Conference for Practitioners and Researchers

      Effective governance is integral to the nonprofit sector and the communities it serves. Yet scholars and practitioners alike continue to be intrigued and challenged by the complex and changing nature of nonprofit governance and the boards that engage in it. Even as we learn more about the breadth and depth of variety in context, design, and practices, it is clear that we do not fully understand this element of nonprofit leadership and how it is or should be practiced. Are most nonprofit boards effective in providing adequate governance? Are there new and more effective ways to address nonprofit governance needs? This is a time of significant change for nonprofit governance. But what is changing and what is not?

      Among the issues likely to be examined at this conference are:

      * It long has been recognized that nonprofit governance is complicated by the fact that nonprofit organizations have no shareholders. What stakeholder interests do nonprofit boards usually see themselves as representing? How do boards effectively address the interests of multiple groups of increasingly diverse stakeholders? What have been the results and consequences?

      * How has the enhanced emphasis on accountability affected the roles and behavior of nonprofit boards? Are boards taking a greater role in assessing accountability and, if so, which boards and how?

      * What might be the implications of national (or state) legislation specifying governance requirements and mechanisms that are tailored to nonprofit organizations? What has been the impact on the performance of those nonprofit organizations that have adopted some of the provisions of the recent Sarbanes-Oxley legislation?

      * How has the recent press for some nonprofits to become more entrepreneurial or “business-like” affected the nature of their governance and the behavior and effectiveness of their boards?

      * If boards (as the available research suggests) typically do little about assessing program performance and especially about assessing overall organizational performance, why has that been true? What might (can) be done to induce boards to take a greater role? What should that role be?

      * Are efforts to improve governance of nonprofit organizations focused too much on a “managerialist” approach, attempting to improve efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery and ignoring the civic or other roles of nonprofit organizations? What standards or expectations might be established, and by whom, to encourage boards and executives to assess their organizations’ contributions to civic life?

      Conference information and registration forms: contact the Midwest Center for Nonprofit Leadership at


      It seems it's an organization registered under the Societies Ordinance as a nonprofit interest group serving political purposes...




      中國扶貧基金會「慈善國宴」(Part III)

      A follow-up report from Mingpao on the proposed charity event...






      Tuesday, February 01, 2005

      Panel on the Nonprofit Sector in the U.S.

      The Panel on the Nonprofit Sector is an independent effort by charities and foundations to ensure that the nonprofit community remains a vibrant and healthy part of American society. Formed by Independent Sector in October 2004 at the encouragement of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee, the Panel is entrusted with the responsibility to prepare recommendations for Congress to improve the oversight and governance of charitable organizations. It will provide an initial report of its findings and recommendations by February 2005 and a final report later in the spring.

      The Recommendations
      The Work Groups' recommendations fall into four broad categories:
      1. Improving Transparency and Financial Management
      2. Improving Government Oversight and Enforcement
      3. Improving Governance and Self-Regulation
      4. Compliance Requirements for Small Organizations

      All can be downloaded from the List of Recommendations, either as individual items or in a single document.

      Download all of the recommendations in one document (pdf) (Warning: It's a big file of 1.3 mb).


      [see also 網上教育籌款平台]


      【明報專訊】教育學院與前美林亞太區董事總經理潘耀堅合辦一個籌款網站Ed Exchange,參照股票交易所的模式,撮合善長與學校,形同教育界的「eBay」,讓更多有心思的教育項目面世,令莘莘學子直接受惠。








      China Development Brief

      China Development Brief is an important source of information on development news in China. If you subscribe to their e-newsletter, you will get a news update like the following every once in a while...

      Briefs In This Update
      1. Feature: 'Dragon people' want business opportunities, not speech therapy Jan 31 2005
      2. JICA seeks to strengthen Japan-China NGO links Jan 28 2005
      3. Analysis: Family planning Policy may be changing as population passes 1.3 billion Jan 28 2005
      4. British government backs new Poverty and Social Development Resource Centre Jan 24 2005
      5. '200 International NGOs in China' Directory Reflects China's Growing Internationalisation. Jan 21 2005

      News Roundup (from Philanthropy Journal)

      NEWS ROUNDUP: Relief work rapped; Gates gives $750 million; kettle drive grows.

      01.26.2005 -

      Here are the week's top nonprofit stories:

      * American charities have raised more than $597 million for tsunami relief efforts, much of that online, eclipsing the $350 million pledged by the U.S. government, with the American Red Cross raising $236.2 million, followed by the U.S. Fund for UNICEF with $68 million, and Catholic Relief Services with $51.1 million, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported Jan. 20.

      * Oxfam issued a report analyzing the first month of tsunami relief efforts that praises the response of donors but cautions that inexperienced, untrained international aid workers may be causing problems, including sanitation problems due to overly dense housing construction, and should be accredited by governments in the region, BBC News reported Jan. 26.

      * The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will donate $750 million to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, matching its initial gift made in 1999 to start the organization to provide vaccines for children in poor countries, the New York Times reported Jan. 25. The gift is part of one the biggest philanthropic undertakings ever, the Los Angeles Times reported Jan. 27.

      * The Salvation Army reported its annual kettle drive raised $95.3 million, up from $93 million the previous year. The fundraising effort exceeded expectations lowered after Target dropped a waiver that had allowed the charity to solicit at its stores despite the chain's no-soliciting policy.

      * Working groups of the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector, set up by Independent Sector at the request of the Senate Finance Committee, have submitted recommendations to the panel on topics covering transparency and financial management, oversight and enforcement, governance and self-regulation, and issues facing small organizations, Tax Analysts reported Jan. 25.

      * University endowments earned an average of 15.1 percent last year, replacing declines in 2001 and 2002 and a modest gain in 2003, a survey by the National Association of College and University Business Officers says, but have yet to make up for losses incurred over the last five years, when the average return was 3.8 percent, the New York Times reported Jan. 24.